Dengue Death of Jaffna Uni Student Raises Suspicion

Health Ministry starts investigating the incident

The Ministry of Health requested a comprehensive report yesterday (27) on the death of a 25-year-old student, Gunaratnam Supina, from Jaffna University, who allegedly died of dengue fever.

The Director-General of Health Services, Asela Gunawardena, has requested the report after concerns were raised by the student’s relatives. The initial treatment for dengue was reportedly administered at Thelippalai Hospital, where doubts arose regarding the circumstances of her death.


The student was then transferred to Jaffna Teaching Hospital for further treatment due to an allergy to medications. Following her demise, the relatives raised questions about the medical care provided and alleged negligence on the part of the hospital.

Dengue patients typically receive drugs to manage the symptoms, and the relatives claim that the student’s death was caused by negligence on the part of the medical staff at Jaffna Teaching Hospital.

The Ministry of Health is conducting a formal and impartial investigation into the matter.

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