Sri Lanka Medical Association Opposes Proposed Amendments to Age of Consent Laws

The Sri Lanka Medical Association has issued a strong notice urging the Government to retract the proposed amendments to Section 363 and 364 of Chapter 19 of the Penal Code, regarding the age of consent for sexual activities.

In the proposed changes, the age of consent for sexual activities is slated to be reduced from 16 to 14 years, a move vehemently opposed by the Sri Lanka Medical Association. The association presents several compelling reasons for their opposition.


According to scientific studies cited by the association, a child at the age of 14 lacks the necessary understanding and cognitive maturity to consent to sexual acts. Moreover, they emphasize that a 14-year-old is neither physically nor mentally prepared to bear the responsibilities of motherhood, considering the potential consequences of pregnancy resulting from sexual activity at such a young age.

Highlighting the risks associated with teenage pregnancy, including high maternal morbidity and mortality rates, as well as the adverse impact on the physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being of both mother and child, the Sri Lanka Medical Association underscores the importance of protecting adolescents from such dangers.

The association also questions the compatibility of such amendments with existing socio-cultural and educational norms in Sri Lanka, particularly in light of recent initiatives to increase the compulsory age of education to 16 years.

As depicted in their detailed announcement, the Sri Lanka Medical Association urges the Government to reconsider these proposed changes in the best interest of the nation’s youth and their well-being.

The following is the long announcement issued by the association.

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