Anura Kumara Dissanayake Resigns from COPE Committee

Total of 9 members have now resigned!

Anura Kumara Dissanayake, leader of the National People’s Party, declared in parliament today (20) his resignation from the COPE Committee.

Anura Kumara cited concerns regarding the appointment of Rohitha Abe Gunawardena as the response to objections raised by former COPE chairman Ranjith Bandara. He criticized what he perceived as an attempt to undermine the integrity of the committee and manipulate its proceedings for political gain.


Highlighting unresolved allegations and legal issues surrounding Abe Gunawardena, Anura Kumara Dissanayake emphasized the lack of credibility in his leadership. In light of these concerns and the prevailing sentiment within society, Dissanayake concluded that continued participation in COPE, under Abe Gunawardena’s chairmanship, would be futile.

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