Gypsies Sunil’s son believes he was behind dad’s disease

Tharisha Abeywickrama –

Sajitha Perera the son of Veteran Singer Sunil Perera of Gypsies says he believes that his father contracted Covid virus from him. However, Sunil Perera is now recovering from the illness and hopefully, come back home in due time Son said to Lankasara.


Responding to the inquiry raised from Lankasara he told that He was the only person who used to go out from the home while the rest of the members including his father Sunil are refrained from going out due to the risk of the pandemic. So he believes that he was the only way to contract the virus to his dad.

Sunil Perera, who has been running the Gypsies band for four decades and has done a lot of memorable work every decade, has recently fallen victim to this deadly epidemic.
Responding to the reports that went viral on social media saying Singer Sunil is in critical condition, Sajitha said that his dad had not such a critical problem and everything the social media are not true. Although he was given oxygen, he was not kept in ICU.

“Most people who develop Covid have low oxygen levels. It happens from time to time. On several occasions, Dad had to be given oxygen temporarily. “

“I am helping my dad with a lot of work. Even during this pandemic, my father made a number of audio recordings from home. I too had to be involved in all those activities and was frequently close to him. The metering gap cannot be measured when working from home.

“In our family, I was the first person to get Covid. I used to go out for many things in our day to day life as others were refrained from going out because of the pandemic risk. Dad too left home to go to Derana TV two weeks ago.
According to Sajitha, except for Sunil’s daughter, the whole family was infected with Covid. Sajitha’s two children too were infected.

Recently social media reported that Sunil Perera was dead. The whole country was shaken by the news.
When we asked about this Sajitha replied with a laugh.
“After the death tragedy was published on social media, the biggest trouble came to me. I’m sick too. Dad is sick too. There is no end to the calls. Tired of answering phones. There were people who were really interested in finding out about Dad as well as those who were struggling to find the gossip and update that gossip. I was so fed up that I put the phone aside for a few days.

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