Restrictions of supplies to fuel stations! Dollar crisis keeps three oil ships berthed

Udaya Gammanpila, Minister of Energy says that the supply to the petrol stations has to be restricted until the fuel supply to the fuel tankers is received. Speaking to the Daily Mirror last evening, he has said that two bowsers have to be sent places where
they need 03 as a measure to manage fuel supply undisturbed through out the Island.
It is reported that due to this situation some petrol stations in the island have restricted the issuance of fuel.
Although three oil tankers have now arrived near Sri Lanka, there is a serious difficulty in landing these ships due to the shortage of dollars, the Minister said.
A spokesman for the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) said in a statement that it was working with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, state banks, officials of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and ministries to obtain the required dollars for the tankers.

“I warned the government about this situation from the begining of this crisis but the government did not take it so seriously. But we need to understand the reality. ”


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