Tourism Minister visits tourist girl injured at Ravana falls

Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga today (29) visited the Israeli young lady who was being treated for injuries sustained after falling from the Ravana Falls recently. Now she was being treated at a Private Hospital in Colombo following initial treatments in Badulla hospital.

Eden Siri (23), an Israeli girl who visited Sri Lanka with her boyfriend a few weeks ago, visited Ravana Falls on September 15.


She slipped and fell while climbing rock at the top of the falls. She was admitted to the Badulla Hospital and has been in a coma for several days. The Tourism Development Authority has intervened and made the necessary arrangements and admitted her to a private hospital in Colombo.

She is currently recovering after several surgeries and the Authority has intervened to bring the girl’s parents to the island, said the Director-General of the Tourism Development Authority, Dhammika Wijesinghe.

Minister Prasanna Ranatunga visited the girl at the hospital this morning and inquired about her condition. She is expected to leave the island tomorrow and the Minister has taken steps to provide the necessary facilities for that. The girl told the Minister of Tourism that she was deeply in love with Sri Lanka and hoped to return to Sri Lanka fully recovered.

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