Anura Kumara talks of imminent horse-trading that took place before the election of the President

JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake told the House (20) that he believes that members of parliament have become commodities on sale at this presidential election, just as teak trees fetch high prices in villages depending on their circumference.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake said that when we learnt that many parties in parliament conscientiously supported Dallas Alahapperuma, the outcome suggested that politics is beyond policy matters.


He said that the Secretary’s team won today’s election in a contest with the Chairman’s groups in Pohottuwa. It is common knowledge that a ghost haunts the Secretary.

He said the country needs a parliament with a new people’s mandate instead of this parliament with a distorted reflection of the people’s will.

Anura Kumara Disanayake said

“We have a strong opposition political camp outside. These election results show that we should unite with that camp and clash ideologically and strengthen i

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