A Doctor warns on a racket of “Post Covid Health Packages”

Between 10 and 30 percent of people infected with the Covid-19 virus develop post Covid complications about four weeks after being infected, and they have a tendency to become a prey in a “full-body check-up racket”, Dr. Waruna Goonetileke, Consultant Physician of Colombo National Eye Hospital said.

At a media briefing held at the Health Promotion Bureau yesterday, Dr. Goonetileke said that although certain measures should be taken to avoid this physical and mental discomfort, it would be more appropriate to inform your doctor who will be treating the patient about the discomfort before resorting to such physical examinations at great expense.
Dr. Waruna Goonetileke further stated that 10 to 30 percent of the nearly 500,000 infected people in Sri Lanka are currently recovering from various post Covid conditions about four weeks after recovery.
He also gave a full account of this at the press conference.


What are the post-Covid symptoms?
Covid symptoms are characterized by shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, sweating, coughing, anxiety, forgetfulness, and loss of mental concentration, including depression. There are also cases where PCR tests are done to see if they are infected again. But if you do a PCR, in these cases it would be negative. Researchers have found that these disorders are caused by the virus, which affects many parts of the body.

Can this condition be transmitted to anyone?
The changes in the body feel like some kind of discomfort. This condition does not spread from person to person, according to the available information. People who are vaccinated are less likely to develop covariates later. How to get rid of such situations?

What should be done in such a situation?
What we said earlier is that these are innumerable normalcy. But with these complications and the relatively high percentage of people experiencing such conditions, it can be a personal and social crisis. For example, a person suffers from insomnia which adversely affects his daily activities. And some people continue to have these symptoms. Insomnia interferes with daily activities. As doctors, we need to show them the way
If we have difficulty breathing, we should improve it with breathing exercises.
What to do if you do not feel the smell is important because the smell is important for food consumption. Flavor definitely affects the appetite. This is directly related to nutrition. Nutrition affects immunity.
A person who does not smell should do a training exercise for that. The scent of cinnamon can be restored by re-inhaling a rose or a clove.
People who do not sleep should not use caffeine. The presence of computer pop-ups and smartphone screens before going to bed at night should be minimized.
If you have a twenty-something condition when you get out of bed, make it a habit to get up in the morning and get out of bed for a while. If you are going up a flight of stairs, go up a few steps and stop for a moment.
If you have a lot of work to do in the office, take a break and do it. Because we have to control the Covid condition after this with a physical and mental balance.
Smoking and alcohol abuse should be avoided.

Will Covid be another public health crisis in the future?
There is a lot of talk about whether the post-Covid situation could be a public health crisis in the future. In this primary health care it is necessary to understand whether there is any public health problem or not. Some countries in the world have already paid attention to this. It may require some vision in the health sector.
There is a tendency to use this general crisis for commercial gain. Later Covid comes to get a full body check in case of infection. There may be some business of medical full body checkup. Don’t go for less that your full potential. The first thing to do is talk to your doctor. Take their advice. If such tests are done during this time they will not be positive. Most of these conditions go away after three months. So do not panic unnecessarily

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